Monday, December 27, 2010
曾有个女病人恍恍惚惚、欲言又止地问:老公行房要我和他肛交,其实肛交可不可行的?老医生给予的劝告是:“第一:做这事需要在双方同意之下才进行(mutual consent);第二:事前一定要有准备,卫生最重要,得净身,还有用油滑剂(lubrication);第三:切记得循序渐进,不能勉强硬来而伤身,不能强求,第一次无法完全穿过,部分性地穿过(partially penetrate)也就好了,即到而止。
老医生告诉我,有些人会想要肛交或任何特别的性交方式,是为了寻求刺激感来自我满足,然而我们是有智慧道德的人类,做这种事,是得顾忌另一半的,所以老医生所说的第一条件就是得寻求双方同意,如果你不要,直接说不要,say you’re not comfortable with it。是的,我想这叫爱,因为爱,所以你愿意顾及对方的意愿,因为爱,你愿意给,因为爱,你也知道爱着你的对方是疼爱着你而不愿让你违背自己意愿来迁就他的。
雌性动物在需要的时候,身体会发出引诱性的气味,这叫发情,当雄性动物察觉到的时候,就会如雌性动物所愿而展开攻势。可以说,雄性只在雌性传达出意愿后才攻上的。人类呢?我不太确定,据知女性大概是用沟通来表达自己的意愿,发情期不若动物那般频繁。然而,雄性动物是很有生理需要的,要是一方时常要,一方却意兴阑珊,双方的满足就很不一致。老医生说,曾有女病人很苦恼地向他倾诉:“我现在每回和丈夫干那事的时候感觉只像在循例执行任务那般(it’s like a duty),我不知道这还有没有意义。”
时代变了,资讯发达之下,人凭着各种管道接触到更多的事,有着更多的选择,看了更多的人。老医生的那个时代的人啊,很多时候,年轻时爱上的那一个,往往就是一生一世的了。生活简单,社交活动也不多,更没有极速约会(speed dating)这回事。现在却,婚外情的事层出不穷。照如此说来,哈哈,我发现我倒希望活在老医生、我爸妈的年代,那时候的人,活在物质贫乏的年代,倒也过得自在,没钱也可以结婚,现在可不一样了,男性一般觉得要有一定的经济基础才有资格去泡妞,有钱才能结婚,所以都成了工作狂啊,拼命赚钱。可我不是这么想的,大家一起为生活奋斗才是,有钱没钱有何关系,大家在一起快乐不就可以了么?
Sunday, December 12, 2010
第一次的徒步行-Copland Track
Travel information tells that this track is suitable for tramper with some prior experience, and it can be quite tough for beginners. However, I decided to go for it without any hesitation at all! Well .. I was just thinking, “I’m always proud of my tough feet and willpower, I wouldn’t feel tired easily even for a long distance of walk..”
Obviously, I underestimated this track, with a variety of challenging condition to cross over, it is one’s bodily coordination and balancing that matter. I’m the one without much kinesthetic sense, but luckily it’s still fine, willpower takes the lead for any other matters, no matter how frequent I fall, how many times I’ve made myself so ugly, I think I am still quite resilient to stand up and go on, haha, bragging.
It took about 6 to 9 hours to finish the track (one way). In the very early morning, my friend from Hong Kong and I started with it and till the evening, we stayed in a hut. The next day, we went back to the origin.
因为一个英国朋友大力推荐的缘故,离开Franz Josef之前,我硬要抽出时间,不惜从酒店的工作请假,就是要完成Copland Track徒步走就对了。旅游资讯介绍说这track是很险峻的,适合有稍有些经验的徒步探险者。我是毫无经验的,可是我一点犹豫都没,要去就对了,我心想:我的脚力毅力一向来都是比一般人好的,我走多远都不言累啊。可见当时的我太低估这track了,其实不是我脚力好就行的,走这种track,个人的身体协调能力和平衡能力更是不可忽视的因素。但还好,所有这些因素都是建立在毅力之上的,我这个人是没什么运动细胞 的,跌倒了无数次,出丑也当习惯了,但我就是撑得住,继续走到终点为止…
The experience with Copland Track is really a memorable one for me. From there I encountered the greatest fear, despite the initial fall at the turning point amidst the narrow mountain path, there was another time I lost touch with my friend, somehow I just unheedingly walked on a path that wasn’t supposed to be a path!
I struggled to find my way out, what’s behind me was the scattered bosk and it looked like a cliff, I could see the fast-flowing small river too. No, no, I can’t turn my head back and I can only look upward … I grasped the tree branch so tightly, and I wondered if I was steadily supported?
Luckily I found my way out. I was terribly scared, and I realized one thing: at such delicate situation, what worried me the most. At that moment, my mind only thought about that I couldn’t let anything happened on me, else my mom and dad would be very sad … then I knew, in the world, parents are the ones I care the most. I am not a very obedient daughter, am actually quite a reckless one especially when going for things I want, yet deep inside my heart, I know their love is forever unconditional to me..
是的,徒步行走了超过五小时后,在抵达今夜留宿之处- 小屋棚时,那儿是有一个自然温泉等着我们的,全身酸痛,累到乏力了,此时看到那温泉,让我太感动了,那还是自然温泉,我这辈子第一次泡温泉,第一次看过的温泉还是天然的!
No pain, no gain; finally after more than 5 hours of trampling, when we reached the hut, there was a natural hot pool awaiting us! I was so touching to see the hot pool and I quickly jumped into it!
Saturday, December 11, 2010
Rising sun emerge slowly
There my flowers blooming, how adorable
Morning sunshine embraces me
Gentle breeze convey a message of pleasure
Those birds cheering I am happy
What’s so pleasing
Sun sets and downs, flowers flourish and wither,
They remain, nothing lasts
In the air, sketching figure of your face
星星月亮不见啦 太阳冉冉升起中
我的花儿也在争艳 啊 多么可爱
风儿在轻轻地吹 散发着幸福气息
鸟儿也自顾欢呼歌唱 我不禁开怀笑
也许他们不明白 有什么值得如此喜悦啊
日出日落 花开花谢 不变依旧 没什么不朽
Friday, December 10, 2010
我眼中的美女 Beauty, as defined by my eyes and heart
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Fairy tale
When we were little, we talked among each other, “given a choice, you want to be a boy? Or girl?”. Some girls say, “boy! Because a boy doesn’t need to deliver a baby, my mom told me it’s really painful!”
When I am grown up, we talked among each other, “when one day, you get married and give born to a baby, do you want a baby boy or girl?”
“Hmm … I think I will really love my husband, so I want a boy, to watch his childhood again. The boy will resemble the one I love, then I will see the little one and the big one play together and bully the mom – me! Imagine, this is a lovely scene.
“Yeah, I have already conceived of some lovely names for the kids … just that the surname does change.”
When I am grown further, we talked among each other, “Is getting married and bearing kids part of the life path that everyone must go through?”
“I am ok if I don’t get married. I will be fine if I don’t have my own kids; but I hope I will have.”
If I have a kid then, … “my child, mom will bring you to travel around, and you will learn the best from natural setting, it’s perfectly fine if you don’t do well in formal education, can you hear the sound of wind? Can you hear the sparrows twittering? These made up the best symphony for you. ”
“That day you argued with our neighbour kid, you insisted that sun is closer to us in the morning because it was bigger in the morning and turns smaller as day goes by; but the neighbour kid insisted that sun is further to us in the morning because it was cool in the morning and the heat increases only when day goes by. Your mom was speechless and she got your dad to come and intervene :) ” "but who is your dad? :P "
“You don’t have to do well in studies, what I want from you is to be kind-hearted and happy always. Don’t get upset when you get hurt .. you will be fine.”
I am curious for my future. I guess if I am still by myself when I grow older, maybe I will end up staying in an isolated rural village, with the village kids, old folks … and spend the rest of my life.
P/S: I must admit that I am quite capable in daydreaming.
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Can you let go of your past?
Is there reincarnation? I do believe there is. Let’s not go into questioning about its existence now, in fact, isn’t everything in the universe going in a recurrent process of birth and death, to grow and perish? Again and again, even if it is totally gone, I’d rather believe that it switches to exist in another deviate form, or turns into being in “nothingness” with a lurked potential of rebirth to evolve.
Let’s forget about matters before birth and after death. I regard this present life as being divided into various phases of a cycle. Physiological development marks different stages of life in progressing form; changes in thinking system and affectionate content can be deemed as spiritual reformation, to certain extent.
If there is really reincarnation, then the merit would be to get one regenerates his life or to be reborn, more precisely, to be able to rely on a new body, forsake those sinful history and bad habits ever, only if one forgets about the past and its accompanied encumbrance, he can recreate the life he belongs to.
Sometimes, it is common that our mind and action isn’t consistent to our will; the more you want to let it go, the harder you are to let go of it; the more you wish to hold it tight, the more shaky your hand is and you can’t grasp it..
Those unpleasant past impede your progress, and you still exist in this impure world with a myriad temptations - those human factors and the environment around, repeatedly remind you of your past. The more you want to forget, the more you remember. It seems that the only way to reform, is to apply a brand new shell of body, be bestowed a new life.
We are mediocre; we find the invisible world not detectable, so at this moment, what is crucial at least is to manage rightfully the present life with your goodwill, even if the polluted external world remains unchanged, even if the harm caused from your past has become an irreversible wound.
Actually I really hope you can forgo those unpleasant past and step forward to your reformation. I do really hope that you don’t adapt the existing and deeply ingrained self-concept to constrain your predestination. Actually I think you can do it. I know you’ve been feeling troubled, but what about your willpower? If you wish, you can try to listen to your heart; you can try to grant a meaningfulness to interpret your new life.
If now you are not you, you’re given a chance to freely delineate your ideal image, do you see the real self that you long to be? You keep visualizing, perhaps one day, you get more and more syncretic with the ideal self with such a harmony!
Those who erred, those who got hurt, those who suffered mentally, those who’ve wasted time in unexamined lives, can they reform? And, when they are so much longing for a new life, can we put aside our prejudice towards them? Shall we not apply our very personal, judgemental view on them?
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Thursday, September 16, 2010
One’s expectation hurts the other
We are social animals; people perceive us that way, and that is how we portray ourselves to the outside world, to some extent.
The drinker wants to stop binge drinking, but one day, late night though, even when he comes home in a sober state, his wife throws out such words, “I know! You must have drunk a lot! Simply useless! Wimp!” So out of resentment towards the mistrust from his dear one, he really goes out to drink.
I watched a movie (Wong Kar Wai’s 2046). The girl in the movie fell into a sex relationship with the guy and she did really love him. Everyday after they had sex, he would leave her a cash note without giving good reasoning for doing so. The girl kept the notes in a box, cherished them and counted them to know how many nights they had spent together. Until a day the guy had enough of such superficial relationship, he ceased all sorts of interaction with the girl. He gave her money, he indicated that their relationship is merely a transaction and she only needed money from that. The girl laughed decadently, her heart bled but she just accepted the money, more money.
How a child ends up to be is also determined by the parents’ expectation towards him/her … I suppose.
To protect one's dignity, why do people still act in the way people think they are? Why the drinker continues to drink? Why not the girl throws all the cash notes back to the guy? Are they are losing the “self”, conforming to others’ expectation?
In the other extreme case, one ended up committing suicide partly as a result of being triggered by someone’s intriguing words. The close one expected that he wouldn’t dare enough to take the final road to ruin his life, but who knows, he tragically acted against other’s expectation and proved others wrong.
Do you have faith on the other who wants to make a change on himself/herself? We don’t know the outcome of this person’s effort.....I always believe that there’s no force to determine the future but it is the present doing to fix the future. If you anticipate a negative outcome and give awful feedback on someone’s next action, chances are he will get frustrated by your mistrust and remains a wrongdoing, or he may be triggered to act against you and do a good one to prove himself. Hmm .. but if you always have a goodwill towards that person, assume his capability to make a substantial change, I don’t see much possibility of his purposeful action doing the undesirable due to you.
We really don’t understand enough the person in front of us, his personality may set him into going through a rather predetermined route, but still, his future is yet to be determined, as long as he develops a wilful intention to change, don’t assume subjectively on how thing is gonna be for someone especially by assuming negatively.
Monday, September 13, 2010
Sunday, August 8, 2010
Blog writing
I used to write every personal thing of myself in my msn space but msn announced that such service will be withdrawn, and I find that I will feel sad to let all those blog entries gone, somehow I am just so fond of reading what have been written previously.
Okay, from now onwards, will use this blog, put everything into here where it used to be meant for travel stuff only.
Sunday, August 1, 2010
Overly Delayed updates .........
When I have no time to record things in words, when I couldn't catch the scenes into my camera, I knew I have stored them in my mind.
....................................until mid-2011.
A Walk, a Talk, a Thought
Being away from the places I am familiar with to New Zealand, it means a lot to me. Well, this is the first European country I’ve been to, and when you are plumped into a new place, that implies a certain degree of unlearning about the practicability of one’s own culture, letting go of the social status, material possession, a stuck relationship or situation when you are in your own country. You are just about to start a new journey and to learn and view the world from a different perspective. It can be insightful yet exciting!
Throughout my 6-months working holiday in New Zealand, I spent the most of my time in Franz Josef for about 4 months. Why I was here for that long? Haha, I’ve never planned for anything and it just happened that I have a “special connection” with this place? I was blown to here and stayed till mid autumn.
I love to walk around Franz Josef. Sometimes, I walked alone, sometimes, with a friend. When I am alone, I usually indulged myself in gazing at the glacier, feeling the natural surrounding, the gentle breeze, and then I would have a pleasing conversation to myself. I walked with my preferred pace and dreamt about the desired.
When I was with a friend, I did enjoy the way we walked together and although some people just don’t talk much to you, but you would cherish the chance to walk alongside with someone and appreciate this acquaintance.
Shan is the Hong Kong girl whom I had most of the non-solitary walks with in Franz Josef. She is few years older than me and she is about to be a full-time roamer. We talked about life, love, the interpersonal relationship we had in the situational drama of Franz Josef Scenic Hotel, etc while walking along the farm road behind our lodge that gives us another stunning view of glacial mountains.
I remember how we talked about love, I mean the romantic relationship of a couple. There is a saying, there are two things a couple should do before they decide to tie the knot: one is to cohabit, to stay together, the second is to travel together. One is to test the couple in dealing with the certainty (seeing your mate’s unchanged temperament) in life while the other is to test their ability to face the uncertainties together in life.
To stay together, you get to know each other better in term of his or her character, predisposition of likes and dislikes in daily activities, his or her habit and so on. It’s not merely about having temporal fun while hanging out with him or her nor the first infatuated impression when meeting him or her. To travel together, it is another challenge to face. As the relationship proceeds, there might be some unexpected obstacles that happen. If those happen, are you going to hold her hand still to tackle all the undesirable things? Will you be able to tolerate or compromise when she has severe disagreement with you? When both of you started to have different agenda and different destinations to go, will you two calm down and sort these out?
.................. I am 25, still enjoy being free and solitude is a state when I am most truthful to myself. People come in and out and pass me by, some stay silently for me, some leave unnoticed, my heart is drifting, so I am still a little uncertain :)
我喜欢离别 I like *Separation
Monday, March 15, 2010
从相识到分离,只是短短的一个月多,可是因他的出现而产生的悸动,却叫我难以忘怀,即使在他走了以后的今天。第一天认识他的时候,他说过他会待在Franz Josef这里到旺季结束,和我一样,为了领红利,然后去皇后镇。可是没想到,有一天,他对我说他不久后得回英国,他家出事了,他是家中长子,母亲非要他回不可。那时候,我听到这消息,其实有点落寞的,只是我没表现出来。他还未确定几时回去,我常常看餐厅的值日表,希望他的名字一直出现,因为这表示他还没离开。
3月10日,晚间和他在餐厅工作,依照老板分配,他是应该到外头和客人点菜,招呼客人之类的,他也一向喜欢和客人聊天啊,呵呵,他就是这样,和客人聊到客人不走,我们这些员工迟放工,大家都气他那么健谈。可是这一天,我很不解,他主动要求和另一个侍应生换值,换成他在厨房处和我一起,难不成他喜欢厨房的油烟味啊? 我呢,一向来,除了送菜出去的时候,一直都待在厨房的。就这样,我和他一直在厨房,有了好多独处的机会,只是在凶巴巴的厨师面前,我们不能说话聊天,一方面有时候也不知道要聊什么吧,我不自然,啊,整晚就只有眼神交流。
3月13日晚上,我在上网,11点了,看到他出现在吧台那听着音乐,我往前去,他见到我,对我微微一笑,放下耳机,我问他,是不是明天就走了,他说不是,他还有两天才离开Franz Josef。我这人很要面子又要讲矜持,我也是从来不踏足这公共酒吧的,但这次会进去是因为要找他,而我却死都不表现出来,假装是要进去找一个女性朋友,故意四处走走找她。我要走的时候,他突然叫住我,问,“我可以请你饮些什么吗?”我说“啊,明晚吧,我想睡了。”他再问我,明天有没有在餐厅工作,我说没有,他听了后的反应似乎看起来有点失望,正如有时我没去他家洗澡,他每次后来都会问,“你刚才没来我家吗?”其实他不知道,3月11日是我们最后一次一起在餐厅工作了。后来我就回房睡觉了,啊,可恶,怎么也睡不着,哎,早知我刚才就答应陪他一块饮酒啊,我反反复复在床上折腾了几小时,就是睡不着,真的很后悔,想要再出去酒吧,可是这样去找回他很怪啊,我觉得有点丢脸,而且他可能走了吧,我就在床上拼命骂自己,“傻婆!你是小孩子啊?要什么早睡早起!?晚睡一点会要你的命啊!??”越想越后悔,因为那晚只有他一人在酒吧,如果,如果真的和他一起坐着喝点什么的,就只有我们两个人独处,我们大有机会谈些更深入了解彼此的话题,而且当天酒吧的气氛比较静,真的很适合谈心,难保明晚这酒吧也会这样,要是他的兄弟党有在,我们就没机会独聊了,是的,我们缺乏独聊的机会,还有,他过两天就走了,剩下的时间越来越少了。
最近Franz Josef的天气转凉了,他现在应该抵达英国了吧?我来纽西兰之前做梦都没想到自己会喜欢上一个异国人,而且还是英国人,因为对我而言,我就觉得英国人很无趣,老是使着所谓的绅士风度,有些也很自负,就好像我从电影<傲慢与偏见>里所见到的。可是这个他,对,就是有绅士风度,是很迷人的绅士风度。
Saturday, January 9, 2010
Heli-Hike at Franz Josef Glacier 乘直升机攀走于冰川之中
就指靠你的鬼斧劈工,化寒冰为小道了。So we're counting on your strokes of an axe, let's march on. She jumped! I caught her motion! She's the Germany girl who took the helicopter with me earlier on. :) 她飞身跃过!Hmm, it is getting hard to climb. 使劲攀山。
我看似神气,可是和那些洋人比较起来,我好想走得像企鹅似的,使力保持平衡啊,免得滑倒。This is me who is a little bit clumsy and usually got to walk like a penguin to avoid slippery.
“嘿!瞧见我吗?” "Harlow! Can you see me?"
白茫茫冰川之中,我是如此渺小。I am too little at this far-reaching glacier.
Melting. 融化中。
touching the ice, oh! it's really ice, crystal clear! 摸摸冰,感觉很新奇,真的是冰吔。
真的很壮观。It is truly a nature's masterpiece, we're just speechless to express our wonderment.
Oh! We've walked a distance, it was a little hard though for a short distance. 短短一段距离,可是走起来还挺吃力的。
好了,是时候乘直升机下去了,这里始终是属于大自然的。Ok, it's time to leave. This place belongs to the great nature.
That's a fine sunny day. The temperature is quite high, yet icy glacier is able to maintain its volume, its phenomenon strikes our curiousity. Oops, I am not good in Geography.
I used to stare at glacier far away, for me, it was like a bunch of white rocks at the mountains. Before I came to Franz Josef, I didn't even know the meaning of "glacier", I got to check the dictionary. Look from far, I was only amazed by its unique appearence. Now only I knew, glacier is a moving icy river, it moves from time to time with a speed that is invisible to us. How on earth there is such structure? This is truly amazing!