Saturday, January 9, 2010

Heli-Hike at Franz Josef Glacier 乘直升机攀走于冰川之中

The very first time in my lifetime to see a helicopter such close, and so I know how vibrant and loud it was for the noise generated by its engine. The fantastic part is, I am going to take a ride in it and go up to the glacier! I will land on the ice up to the mountain!
好了,直升机放下我们,落地了。得为我的攀山靴子装上鞋底钉。Okay, so this was how we landed. I struggled to fix crampoon to my hiking boot here. 领队给我们一伙人讲解攀冰之行得注意的安全措施。The Heli-hike guide explained to all of us about the safety precautions to mind when walking on the glacier. 好,走吧,领队先生,辛苦你了,为我们开冰劈路。Okay! Let's go! Mr. Guide, thanks for your hard work, slash the ice and lead a path for us!
就指靠你的鬼斧劈工,化寒冰为小道了。So we're counting on your strokes of an axe, let's march on. She jumped! I caught her motion! She's the Germany girl who took the helicopter with me earlier on. :) 她飞身跃过!Hmm, it is getting hard to climb. 使劲攀山。
我看似神气,可是和那些洋人比较起来,我好想走得像企鹅似的,使力保持平衡啊,免得滑倒。This is me who is a little bit clumsy and usually got to walk like a penguin to avoid slippery.
“嘿!瞧见我吗?” "Harlow! Can you see me?"
白茫茫冰川之中,我是如此渺小。I am too little at this far-reaching glacier.
Melting. 融化中。
touching the ice, oh! it's really ice, crystal clear! 摸摸冰,感觉很新奇,真的是冰吔。

真的很壮观。It is truly a nature's masterpiece, we're just speechless to express our wonderment.
Oh! We've walked a distance, it was a little hard though for a short distance. 短短一段距离,可是走起来还挺吃力的。
好了,是时候乘直升机下去了,这里始终是属于大自然的。Ok, it's time to leave. This place belongs to the great nature.
That's a fine sunny day. The temperature is quite high, yet icy glacier is able to maintain its volume, its phenomenon strikes our curiousity. Oops, I am not good in Geography.


I used to stare at glacier far away, for me, it was like a bunch of white rocks at the mountains. Before I came to Franz Josef, I didn't even know the meaning of "glacier", I got to check the dictionary. Look from far, I was only amazed by its unique appearence. Now only I knew, glacier is a moving icy river, it moves from time to time with a speed that is invisible to us. How on earth there is such structure? This is truly amazing!

Friday, January 8, 2010

去看冰川了 Going to see Glacier!

There're just many other tourists walking along the stony road like I do, crossing over some streams, to catch a closer view of the magnificent glacier.
四周围的山,有小瀑布啊。 Some hills that surround Franz Josef Glacier, look, there are cascades!到了! 但不能走得再近了,只能在安全范围走动,因为石崩的可能性还是存在的。
I've reached! But I can't walk any closer, only can get around in the safety region due to the possibility of avalanche.
警惕游客的告示牌。The warning signboard to get visitors on guard. 壮观的冰川。据说它背后有一段凄美的毛利传说,从前有个爱登山的女孩,执意要其爱人和她一起登上这一座特别壮丽的山,结果在他们登山期间发生意外了,她眼睁挣地看着爱人失足而从山中坠落,她伤心愧疚过度,泪流成河,在那寒冬的季节,成了这绝美的冰川。
It is said that there is a Maori legendary love story which is sadly beautiful pertaining to this glacier. Once upon a time there was a girl who loved mountain-hiking, insisted to get her lover to climb this spectacularly beautiful mountain. They climbed together and at the end, an tragic accident occurred, she stared helplessly at his lover's misstep and a subsequent fall from the mountain. The heartbroken girl was too sorrowful to shed her tears endlessly and turn the tears in this chilly season to evolve as such magnificent glacier.

Franz Josef, 这以冰川闻名的小小镇

终于,我来到了南岛西海岸的Franz Josef, 在这里的酒店找到一份工作,有了自己的个人房间,稍微有了安定感,日常用品可以安放好或乱放,不像在backpacker那样,总得翻背包行李的。我会在Franz Josef待一阵子。 这地方好小,市中心只有那两条街,只有一家卖日常用品的小超市, 几家为游客提供冰川导游、直升机和户外活动服务的公司,游客服务中心,两间纪念品店,一个加油站,几间Café,还有我工作的那家酒店(占地还蛮大的),其他的一些旅馆,就没了。我想,好多时候,市镇的游客还多过其居民呢。
位于市中心的小教堂。 居民自愿性质的小消防局,和我的家乡的一样呀,规模也差不多一样,大概里面摆一辆"养军千日"的消防车而已。

Thursday, January 7, 2010



Tananuhui Beach @ Nelson

Tuesday, January 5, 2010


在Franz Josef找到工作的朋友- Esther托我在Nelson买辆廉价二手脚踏车给她。在Nelson早市找不到,我就四处问人,到底那里可以买到便宜的,恰好那时候是洋人新年开始,有一部分的店铺是没营业的,所以添了我的任务一点难度。有人提议我到垃圾回收处那找,说不定好运的话,能让我找到。





Sunday, January 3, 2010

艺术有价之Nelson 早市

Nelson早市还真是琳琅满目,即使不买,光看也很不错了。逛着逛着,我深感“艺术有价”,洋人的创意无限,以巧手把原本不起眼的材料化为一件件让人爱不释手的手工艺品,这些都不是商品,而是只此一家的艺术品! 小贩们花心思将之产生的! 在这早市,吃的、玩的、穿的、用的,都有。第一次见识洋人的早市,比较起我马来西亚的,嗯,感觉不一样,他们的比较干净吧,但此时我更想念马来西亚的早市,还有我们的美食。






街角卖艺的辣妹。 看到这位以奇装异服为卖点的卖艺者,嗯,我在想,要是有一天,我穷途末路了,大可像他那样,穿的稀奇古怪,随便拿种简单的乐器在街头卖艺来赚取旅费,哈哈。想想而已。
